
C/C++ Programming for Beginners
Basic to Advance

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## Contents : Visit here for full course `> Click the drop-down to view the outline`

Introduction - [Introduction to C++](#introduction-to-c++) - [Introduction to C](#introducion-to-c) - [Differences](#differences) - [Compiler](#compiler)
C++ Basics - [Syntax](/Tutorials/C%2B%2B%20Basic%20Tutorials/Tutorial.md/#syntax) - [Comments](/Tutorials/C%2B%2B%20Basic%20Tutorials/Tutorial.md) - [Variables](/Tutorials/C%2B%2B%20Basic%20Tutorials/Tutorial.md) - [Keywords](/Tutorials/C%2B%2B%20Basic%20Tutorials/Tutorial.md) - [Data Types](/Tutorials/C%2B%2B%20Basic%20Tutorials/Tutorial.md) - [Operators](/Tutorials/C%2B%2B%20Basic%20Tutorials/Tutorial.md) - [IF Statement](/Tutorials/C%2B%2B%20Basic%20Tutorials/Tutorial.md) - [Switch](/Tutorials/C%2B%2B%20Basic%20Tutorials/Tutorial.md) - [Loop Type](/Tutorials/C%2B%2B%20Basic%20Tutorials/Tutorial.md) - [Pointer](/Tutorials/C%2B%2B%20Basic%20Tutorials/Tutorial.md) - [Arrays](/Tutorials/C%2B%2B%20Basic%20Tutorials/Tutorial.md) - [Functons](/Tutorials/C%2B%2B%20Basic%20Tutorials/Tutorial.md) - [Structure](/Tutorials/C%2B%2B%20Basic%20Tutorials/Tutorial.md) - [File Handling](/Tutorials/C%2B%2B%20Basic%20Tutorials/Tutorial.md)
C++ Advance (GUI) Visit here for full course
C Basics - [Syntax](/Tutorials/C%20Basic%20Tutorials/README.md) - [Comments](#comments) - [Variables](#variables) - [Keywords](#keywords) - [Data Types](#data-types) - [Operators](#operators) - [IF Statement](#if-statement) - [Switch](#switch) - [Loop Type](#loop-type) - [Pointer](#pointer) - [Arrays](#arrays) - [Functons](#functions) - [Structure](#structure) - [File Handling](#file-handling)
C Advance (GUI) Visit here for full course
Projects -
C++ Projects - [A Login and Registration System](https://github.com/The-Young-Programmer/C-CPP-Programming/tree/main/Projects/C%2B%2B%20Projects/Basic/A%20Login%20and%20Registration%20System) - [AIO Calculator](https://github.com/The-Young-Programmer/C-CPP-Programming/tree/main/Projects/C%2B%2B%20Projects/Basic/AIO%20Calculator) - [Bank Management system ](https://github.com/The-Young-Programmer/C-CPP-Programming/tree/main/Projects/C%2B%2B%20Projects/Basic/Bank%20Management%20System) - [CPP Magic Text](https://github.com/The-Young-Programmer/C-CPP-Programming/tree/main/Projects/C%2B%2B%20Projects/Basic/CPP%20Magic%20Text) - [Calculate CGPA and GPA](https://github.com/The-Young-Programmer/C-CPP-Programming/tree/main/Projects/C%2B%2B%20Projects/Basic/Calculate%20CGPA%20and%20GPA) - [Encryption and Decryption of Text](https://github.com/The-Young-Programmer/C-CPP-Programming/tree/main/Projects/C%2B%2B%20Projects/Basic/Guessing%20Game) - [Guessing Game](https://github.com/The-Young-Programmer/C-CPP-Programming/tree/main/Projects/C%2B%2B%20Projects/Basic/Guessing%20Game) - [Hotel Management System](https://github.com/The-Young-Programmer/C-CPP-Programming/tree/main/Projects/C%2B%2B%20Projects/Basic/Hotel%20Management%20System) - [Supermarket Billing System](https://github.com/The-Young-Programmer/C-CPP-Programming/tree/main/Projects/C%2B%2B%20Projects/Basic/Supermarket%20Billing%20System) - [Temperature-calculator](https://github.com/The-Young-Programmer/C-CPP-Programming/tree/main/Projects/C%2B%2B%20Projects/Basic/Temperature-calculator) - [Basic Calculator (GUI)](https://github.com/The-Young-Programmer/C-CPP-Programming/tree/main/Projects/C%2B%2B%20Projects/Advance%20(GUI)/Basic%20Calculator%20(GUI))
C Projects - [Avoid Missile](https://github.com/The-Young-Programmer/C-CPP-Programming/tree/main/Projects/C%20Projects/Basic/Avoid%20Missile) - [Love-Calculator](https://github.com/The-Young-Programmer/C-CPP-Programming/tree/main/Projects/C%20Projects/Basic/Love-Calculator) - [Modern Periodic Table](https://github.com/The-Young-Programmer/C-CPP-Programming/tree/main/Projects/C%20Projects/Basic/Modern%20Periodic%20Table) - [Tic Tac Toe Game](https://github.com/The-Young-Programmer/C-CPP-Programming/tree/main/Projects/C%20Projects/Basic/Tic%20Tac%20Toe%20Game)
Download App - [For Android](https://playstore.com) - [For IOS](https://appstore.com)
- [How To Contribute](#how-to-contribute) - [Contributors](#contributors) - [Info](#info)

## Introduction to C++ [🔝](#contents)

What is C++ Programming Language ? * C++ is a cross-platform language that can be used to create high-performance applications. * C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup, as an extension to the C language. * It is developed at AT and T's Bell Lab (USA) in 1979 * The language was updated 4 major times in 2011, 2014, 2017, and 2020 to C++11, C++14, C++17, C++20. * C++ is fun and easy to learn! * As C++ is close to C# and Java, it makes it easy for programmers to switch to C++ or vice versa.

Application of C++ * Developing Games * Operating Syatems * Compilers and Editors * Database Systems and Interpreters * Graphics Packages * Network Drivers

### C++ compiler /IDE

To start using C++, you need two things: - A text editor, like Notepad, to write C++ code - A compiler, like GCC, to translate the C++ code into a language that the computer will understand An IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is used to edit AND compile the code. Popular IDE's include: `Code::Blocks`, `Eclipse`, and `Visual Studio Code`. These are all free, and they can be used to both edit and debug C++ code. I will be using `Visual Studio Code` in this Project, which I believe is a good place to start. You can find the latest version of VSCode at https://code.visualstudio.com/. Follow this process to install and setup VSCode , which will install the text editor with a compiler.

### Quick Start :

- Let's create our first C++ file. - Open **VSCode** and go to File > New Text File. - Write the following C++ code and save the file as **myfirstprogram.cpp** (File > Save File as): ``` // myfirstprogram.cpp #include using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Hello World!"; return 0; } ``` - In VSCode, it should look like this: ![Screenshot 2023-04-22 110959](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/79866006/233777816-5a669708-3c91-42ad-b50a-4da5e4916cd9.png) - Then, go to Run > Run to run (execute) the program. - **Congratulations!** You have now written and executed your first C++ program. </p>

## Introduction to C [🔝](#contents)

What is C Programming Language ? * C is a general-purpose programming language created by Dennis Ritchie at the Bell Laboratories in 1972. * It is a very popular language, despite being old. * C is strongly associated with UNIX, as it was developed to write the UNIX operating system. * Both C/C++ has the same features and applications **NOTE** C and C++ uses the same compiler and IDE

### Quick Start :

- Let's create our first C file. - Open **VSCode** and go to File > New Text File. - Write the following C code and save the file as **myfirstprogram.c** (File > Save File as): ``` // myfirstprogram.c #include int main() { printf("Hello World!"); return 0; } ```

## Differences between and [🔝](#contents) * C++ was developed as an extension of C, and both languages have almost the same syntax. * The main difference between C and C++ is that C++ support classes and objects, while C does not.

## C++/C Compiler on different OS [🔝](#contents)

For Windows, Linux and MacOS
* Install `VSCode` by going to there official website, VSCode

For Andriod OS
* Install `C4Droid` on playstore, C4Droid

* Visit Appstore and download C/C++ Program Compiler

## How to Contribute: [🔝](#contents) - Just fork the project and clone it into your machine - Then make your contribution and upload it to your fork repository - Then click on pull request
### Donates to Support
## Countributors [🔝](#contents) - The Young Programmer - Samuel de Oliveira - Gabriel160204 - Max Vetrov
## Info [🔝](#contents)

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